Explore past sessions from the annual Ignition® Community Conference.
The 2021 Build-a-Thon was the first ever to feature members of the Ignition community battling it out head-to-head. This year, we invited all of Inductive Automation’s Premier Integrators to apply for a chance to wear the Build-a-Thon blazer, and after three rounds of challenges, the final two integrators, DMC and Roeslein & Associates, will face off at the conference.
61 min video
Running Ignition in a Container Environment
Leveraging Docker can be a powerful technology for rolling out large systems and setting up flexible development environments. In this session, you'll hear practical tips for running Ignition in a container environment from Inductive Automation's Docker expert.
45 min video
How Far We've Come - Ignition Across the Enterprise
Ignition was always great for solving problems and beloved by Operations. But could it scale? Could it be deployed across an enterprise? Could it stand up to scrutiny in the boardroom while execs are aligning on their digital strategy? Absolutely. Over the past several years, Brock Solutions has been deploying Ignition across enterprises, helping customers accelerate their digital transformations. But don't take it from Brock; hear it from our customers' mouths about how and why Ignition has become the real deal in their enterprise landscape.
42 min video
Performance Tips & Tricks for Optimizing Gateway Networks
Getting the most out of your Ignition gateway network is important to your system’s performance, especially for large implementations. In this session, you’ll get expert tips about how to optimize the performance of your gateway network for heavy workloads.
60 min video
Stone Brewing Successfully Implements Modern Batch System
In this session, Stone Brewing and Wunderlich-Malec Engineering will showcase the first successful implementation of Sepasoft’s Batch Procedure Module. Going into the project, Stone Brewing hoped to upgrade to a flexible and modern batch system that could handle complex recipes. With the support of Wunderlich-Malec, Stone Brewing easily configured the module to replicate existing processes. Attend this session to learn about Stone Brewing’s quick adoption of Batch Procedure and more project highlights.
47 min video
Ignition: The New Enterprise Connection Platform
The quest for greater productivity and reduced costs is driving market forces and investments into new projects trying to combat today’s challenges from the supply chain, labor, and inflation. Learn how Ignition has advanced from the “New SCADA Platform'' to become the standard tool for OT-to-IT Enterprise Digital Transformation. The session will discuss and demonstrate how Ignition with MQTT/Sparkplug is the “Swiss Army knife” Digital Transformation platform from the edge to the cloud to achieve these goals. Get your Enterprise ready to Xperience and Xplore the serendipitous nature of your OT data!
48 min video
Modern Cloud Deployment Strategies
With the systems getting larger and the need for flexibility increasing, effectively running Ignition in the cloud can be a powerful deployment strategy. In this session, Inductive Automation’s architecture experts will talk about how to utilize the cloud for modern deployment strategies.
48 min video
Drain The Data Lake - Model And Contextualize Your OT Data at the Edge
Join a panel of Ignition community experts who helped the State of Indiana launch a Digital Transformation program for manufacturers quickly and simply. Energy data, manufacturing output, and other OT data can be collected and modeled in-plant, and efficiently published into cloud infrastructure and unsupervised AI for actionable insights with a pre-built “I4.0 in a Box” solution.
48 min video
Integrator Panel: How Integration Has Changed & Where It's Going
This panel will bring together some of the Ignition community's most accomplished integrators to discuss how the industry has shifted over the past decade and what technologies and practices will be vital in the future. From IIoT-enabled hardware and cutting-edge security tools to eliminating paper from the plant floor, changes in the last 10 years have altered how integrators approach business and opened up new opportunities. But which areas still have room for refinement and innovation? Hear experienced professionals give their insight and answer your questions about the industry's past, present, and future.
45 min video
Unlocking Innovation & Delivering New Services Through Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation has accelerated as a result of the pandemic as nearly every industry and every company has had to adapt to changing work conditions, market conditions, and environmental conditions. Those companies that are thriving in this new normal have uncovered new value in leveraging technology to accelerate innovation cycles and deliver entirely new products, services, and even business models. Imagine fully recovering from this pandemic better off than before it started with entirely new revenue streams that fill the revenue gaps with even greater profitability through new channels. Learn how this can be done and hear the stories of companies who have succeeded.
45 min video
Industry Panel: Exploring Digital Transformation
It takes coordination to revamp processes or upgrade machinery, but it’s a far more complicated task to establish change all the way from the plant floor to the C-suite. While the necessary Digital Transformation of manual operations may look different across a variety of industries, the critical benefits of increased stability, flexibility, and security remain consistent. Hear from a panel of industry thought leaders and experts as they explore how enterprise-wide solutions have led their companies to a new level of growth and answer your questions about large-scale Digital Transformation.
64 min video
Technical Keynote & Developer Panel
This year, the co-creators of Ignition, Colby Clegg and Carl Gould will be expanding the traditional developer panel into a new format. In this new Technical Keynote, Colby and Carl will cover the recent progress of Ignition and look at the roadmap for the near future of the platform. They will also get some help from a few Software Engineering Division all-stars to give further insight into specific aspects of the platform like security, advanced analytics, and design tools.
65 min video
IA Department of Funk 2021 Music Video
ICC 2021's Halftime Show Premiered the The IA Department of Funk’s video for their original song “Champion,” which made the Build-a-Thon even more entertaining.
4 min video
Uso de Bibliotecas Javascript no Perspective com Web Dev Module
Aprenda a utilizar os recursos do módulo Perspective junto ao módulo Web Dev paraacessar bibliotecas externas e exibir conteúdos gráficos diversos (Mapas, Gráficos, etc) emsuas páginas do Perspective de forma dinâmica.
16 min video
Architetture Flessibili e Modulari per Progetti di Trasformazione Digitale Compiuti
Ignition è la piattaforma software che permette di implementare progetti di digitalizzazione industriale con architetture capaci di adattarsi alle diverse esigenze applicative. Durante il webinar, verranno illustrate le possibilità offerte dalla flessibilità e dall’apertura della piattaforma attualmente utilizzata con successo da oltre il 50% delle aziende Fortune 500. A differenza degli SCADA tradizionali, Ignition permette di realizzare progetti in ottica IIoT per il governo completo dei processi digitali in ambito produttivo.
46 min video
Education & Industry Panel: Preparing the Workforce of the Future
Often, the difference between what you need to know to walk across that stage and get your diploma, degree, certificate, or credential is vastly different from what you need to know to be successful in your first entry-level position. Curriculum and program development happen in vastly different ways, from four-year colleges and universities to technical colleges, to community/junior colleges. How we, as an industry, communicate to address what we are seeing in the field is imperative to providing the engineer of tomorrow with the appropriate skill sets to encourage success. That conversation starts with industry and academia coming together to discuss the topics important to the ever-changing landscape of industrial technology. Join David Grussenmeyer, University Engagement Manager at Inductive Automation, for a panel discussion composed of four faculty members from different educational institutions and learn how their efforts to collaborate with Industry are changing the educational landscape for our workforce of tomorrow.
42 min video
Deploying the Digital Foundations of a Modern, Connected Factory
Digital factory architectures usually grow organically as business requirements evolve and new technologies are developed. Modern technologies and approaches such as infrastructure-as-code, containerization, orchestration, and edge-driven operations solve many problems presented by legacy, organic, point-to-point based architectures. This presentation will give an overview of Factory+, a Sparkplug-powered, open-access digital factory framework developed by the AMRC, and how it can be used to rapidly and reliably deploy, manage and scale the digital foundations of a forward-thinking manufacturing facility.
25 min video
Dalle Patch 4.0 Alla Trasformazione Digitale Completa. Ignition, Catalizzatore di un’Offerta End-to-End
Ignition è la piattaforma abilitante che aiuta le aziende ad intraprendere un percorso che porta a una digitalizzazione completa e compiuta. Durante il webinar, mostreremo come sfruttare le opportunità normative per l’industria 4.0 e il PNRR per estendere anche alle PMI, e di conseguenza al “sistema Italia”,una vera Digital Transformation, che porti all’implementazione di progetti digitali compiuti e non parziali.
34 min video
Trucos en Perspective Que no Conocías
En esta sesión vamos a cubrir todas aquellas herramientas que están dentro del módulo Perspective que son nuevas en la integración de sistemas industriales para que puedas aprovecharlas para hacer ciclos de desarrollo más rápidos, una distribución mejor organizada en tus pantallas y aplicaciones de apariencia optimizada.
31 min video
Le Funzionalità di Ignition Edge: Raccolta ed Elaborazione Dati alla Fonte
La struttura aperta e distribuita della piattaforma Ignition e della sua versione Edge apre nuove frontiere e tendenze per la Data-Driven Automation. Grazie all’infinita scalabilità e alle potenzialità di Ignition Edge è possibile integrare tutti i dispositivi presenti nel factory floor, compresi quelli al margine della rete, estendendo così la raccolta, l’elaborazione e la visualizzazione a tutti i dati essenziali per un processo industriale efficiente. Nel corso del webinar verranno presentate le funzionalità di Ignition Edge e i vantaggi derivanti dalla disponibilità del set più completo di dati per poter dar vita a una trasformazione digitale compiuta.
30 min video
Desbloquee los Datos de su Planta
A veces, ya tenemos un Tag Historian en nuestro conjunto de herramientas, entonces, ¿por qué necesitarías SQL Bridge? O si ya tengo SQL Bridge, ¿por qué necesito Tag Historian? Le enseñaremos cómo se pueden combinar SQL Bridge y Tag Historian para hacer un mejor uso de las bases de datos y los datos históricos de su planta.
29 min video
Sikker innlogging til Ignition med BankID og Vipps
Slik sikrer du innlogging i Ignition ved å bruke moderne elektronisk identifikasjon for sikker identifikasjon.
11 min video
Dynamisk brukergrensesnitt i Ignition Perspective
Bli med på denne demoen for å se hvordan du kan endre informasjon i integrerte vinduer i Ignition’s Perspective modul, basert på hva som er valgt i hovedvinduet. På denne måten kan du enkelt vise informasjon for et objekt sine trender, alarmer og parametere, uten bruk av pop-up vinduer. Vi utforsker de ulike metodene og ser på det resulterende brukergrensesnittet sammen.
27 min video
Reverse Proxy mit automatischer SSL/TLS Verschlüsselung auf Docker
Erstellen einer Ignition Instanz als Container in einer Docker Umgebung mit geschütztem Zugang über einen Reverse Proxy (Traefik) welcher alle Zertifikate (Let’s Encript) automatisch erstellt.
8 min video
How to Best Plan Your Perspective Project
Join us for practical insights on how to ensure success with the Ignition Perspective Module. Whether you're starting your first Ignition Perspective project or want to understand how to best approach your next project, this is the session for you. We’ll cover Perspective’s powerful features, server sizing and architecture design and how to set goals for your design and layout, with considerations for best practice implementations, to achieve faster development.
22 min video
Industrie 4.0 - von der digitalen zur wandlungsfähigen Fabrik für die Kleinserien- und Eigenmarkenproduktion
Die industrielle Fertigung, egal ob Auftrags-, Chargen- oder Fließfertigung, muss die Anforderungen an Belastbarkeit, Anpassungsfähigkeit und Flexibilität erfüllen. Wir zeigen die Vorteile von Ignition für die Kleinserien- und Private label Fertigung.
26 min video
Living on the Edge
The iControls team explore the Edge-to-Enterprise Architecture, showcasing the deployment and configuration of the different flavors of the edge licensing, from a single machine level HMI to an enterprise architecture where each edge gateway becomes a reliable source of data from the process, through either gateway network services or MQTT implementation.
61 min video
Key Trends Helping Industry Overcome Digital Transformation Challenges
Digital Transformation is essential for industrial companies to meet the challenges of thriving in an environment where the only certainty is uncertainty. This is driving demand for deploying key technologies to better monitor and control operations, protect against downtime, ensure product fulfillment and high productivity, protect and upskill personnel, enable remote workforces, manage supply chains, and do this while leveraging enhanced cybersecurity architectures. To help industrial companies meet these challenges, this presentation will discuss what are the key technologies and trends that can help these companies accelerate Digital Transformation that enables improved productivity, profitability, agility, reliability, sustainability, resilience and efficiency.
48 min video
Top Tips For Great Mobile Interface Design
Good mobile design makes it easy for users to see and control their system right from their phone, but making a good mobile design isn’t necessarily easy. This session will cover some of the best mobile design tips for creating interfaces that deliver a great user experience.
47 min video
Using Ignition with Machine Learning Libraries
Using Ignition and machine learning libraries can be a powerful combination. Inductive Automation's machine learning experts will lead conference attendees through practical applications for ML, along with typical ML setups that Ignition users could implement on their own systems.
51 min video
Ingestion to Insights
In this informative session, attendees will learn how a manufacturer – or any automation setting – can successfully begin their industry 4.0 journey. Starting with data collection, then moving to data visualization, alerting, and analytics, Ignition allows organizations to do it all. And, with multiple web-based architectural options, Ignition offers flexibility while keeping cyber security in mind.
50 min video
Changes Towards The Digital Transformation - Turn and Face The Strange
While data acquisition systems at the process level have become increasingly universal, the true Digital Transformation vision – the integration of all data across an organization to higher levels within a company - still faces a number of hurdles around bandwidth, multiple data-entry points, and conflicting software platforms. Here, we present how SCADA-driven data via Ignition with Starlink Satellite-Based Broadband can be combined with manual-entry mobile Perspective applications to provide a rich data source at the field and operations level. Once in the cloud, that data, in turn, can then be combined through API-based integrations with third-party platforms to provide higher-level insights to Research, Business Development, Engineering, Financial, and Executive divisions. Thus, from Operator to CEO, Ignition provides a true data integration platform up and down an organization.
46 min video
Main Keynote: Exploring 10 Years of Growth & Innovation
This year marks Inductive Automation’s tenth year hosting the Ignition Community Conference! In that time, it’s been amazing to see the community's growth and the positive impact its members have made on the industry. For this year’s company keynote, you’ll hear from Inductive Automation’s leadership team about the growth and direction of our company and our community as we celebrate the last decade and look forward to what’s to come.
72 min video
Water And Wastewater: Exploring The Next Generation of Remote Telemetry Monitoring
This session will show how a regional municipal council in Australia has implemented the next generation of remote telemetry monitoring and data-driven decision-making across their wastewater assets for a fraction of the cost of their peers. You’ll hear directly from the Alexandrina Council about how the Ignition system has fundamentally changed how they leverage data to interact with their assets. You will also hear from the technical team from SAGE Automation about implementing multi-device SCADA displays and the practical challenges that MQTT can present.
46 min video
Git Serious: Hybrid Cloud Deployment with DevOps
With Digital Transformation becoming more mainstream, we continue to see an increased adoption of enabling technologies like the cloud. But not all companies are willing or able to go "all-in" on cloud just yet. In this session, 4IR Solutions’ CTO Joe Dolivo will walk you through how to use Ignition to track and promote changes across multiple environments, no matter where they're hosted. Operational Technology leadership at Cameco Fuel Manufacturing will also walk you through the plans for their own hybrid cloud deployment, intended to run heavy production workloads on site while leveraging the cloud for remote site workloads, testing instances, backups, and monitoring.
49 min video
Learning Ignition Fundamentals
If you're new to Ignition or just need a refresher, this is the session for you. Inductive Automation's training team will cover the basic knowledge and fundamental features you will need to get started with Ignition.
51 min video
Sepasoft's Low-Code Approach to Simplifying MES
MES can be one of the most challenging systems to implement due to the sheer number of departments, roles, manufacturing sites, and production scenarios involved. Learn about Sepasoft’s various initiatives that simplify the MES rollout. From the low-code capabilities of the Batch Procedure Module and Business Connector Suite, in addition to MES Starter Projects, Sepasoft is taking measures to simplify implementation development and set users up for success.
45 min video
IA Department of Funk 2022 Music Video
The ICC Build-A-Thon is by far the most outrageous and fun session of the entire conference. Every year our internal band puts together a song for no reason at all. Here is our 2022 music video. Enjoy!
4 min video
Celebrating 10 Years of ICC
Seeing the community growth over the last 10 years at ICC has been extremely rewarding. Inductive Automation wouldn't be where it is today without you. Our Ignition Community Conference has always been about the exchange of ideas and the exploration of what's possible. It's a great way to connect and learn about all that our users accomplish with Ignition. In honor of how much this community has inspired us over the years, we put together a fun video to look back on 10 years of ICC!
3 min video
Keynote: Smarter. Faster. Stronger.
At ICC 2019, we discussed the limitless possibilities of Ignition. Last year we envisioned the bright future of innovation in store for the Ignition community. Now, at ICC 2021, as the industrial world changes, the community continues to evolve to create smarter, faster, and stronger solutions than ever before. Join the leaders of Inductive Automation as they discuss the growth of the company and the community over the last year. In this year’s keynote, we’ll celebrate the community’s innovation by looking at the fantastic success they are achieving using the Ignition platform to evolve the industry for the better.
60 min video
Prepare su Aplicación Para Ciberataques (Spanish)
A medida que más dispositivos interactúan con nuestros sistemas, la ciberseguridad comienza a convertirse en una gran preocupación para todos. Descubra cómo Ignition aborda estas amenazas con cifrado, autenticación, certificados de confianza y más.
29 min video
Evolved Enterprise Operations for Clover South Africa (English)
Leading South African branded foods and beverages group Clover Industries adopted Ignition by Inductive Automation® to meet crucial system technology requirements. In this panel discussion, Francois and Deon from Clover share their needs, architecture overview, and multi-site implementation approach, including new standards and templates and the coordination of several System Integrator partners. We'll also talk through the valuable lessons learned and challenges overcome during implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
39 min video
Evolving Water Operation's Edge with Ignition and MQTT (English)
In this conversation with Brian Cooper from INTEG System Integrators, we'll share how Ignition and MQTT transformed the operations of the Oudtshoorn municipality in South Africa. Situated in the Klein Karoo region of the Western Cape, Oudtshoorn is a water-scarce region. Visibility, measurement, and effective control of irrigation systems and borehole levels are crucial, both to reduce waste of available water resources and minimize variability in flow regimes and recharge. Using small and cost-effective Edge devices and standard protocols, MQTT and Ignition by Inductive Automation® solved several challenges. There are lower operating costs, enterprise-wide and real-time visibility, and reduced response times, from five minutes to mere seconds.
30 min video
Conozca Acerca de las Herramientas de Historización (Spanish)
Conozca lo que Ignition es capaz de hacer con sus datos históricos. Desde la creación de tendencias sobre la marcha hasta la realización de cálculos complejos en la aplicación, exploramos las capacidades más interesantes del software que puede utilizar en sus aplicaciones.
26 min video
Industry 4.0 Turns 10 Years Old - Ignition is the Ideal Present (English)
Industry 4.0 as a concept is 10 years old in 2021. We look back at where it started, how the idea has adapted pre- and during the pandemic, and then look at how Ignition fits the manufacturing and processing landscape as we emerge into the new normal.
15 min video
Costruisci un Futuro Digitale con Ignition (Italian)
Parti dal basso, utilizzando asset esistenti e un approccio infinitamente scalabile partendo dalle reali esigenze del cliente. In questa sessione esploreremo come Ignition consente di determinare in anticipo il costo dell'infrastruttura digitale e fornisce gli strumenti ideali per System Integrator, OEM, produttori finali e manager della finanza aziendale.
41 min video
Mobile HMI-Lösungen - Ihre Anlage auf jedem Gerät (German)
Mobile Geräte haben in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten eine Vielzahl von Geräten obsolet gemacht. Mit der Leistung von Ignition können Sie Ihr mobiles Gerät zu einer vollwertigen HMI weiterentwickeln.
26 min video
Dataops mit Ignition - Setzen Sie Ihre Anlagendaten dort ein, wo Sie sie brauchen (German)
Die Architektur mit offenen Standards ermöglicht neue Anwendungen, indem sie die volle Leistungsfähigkeit Ihrer Anlagendaten nutzt. Mit der Ignition-Plattform werden grenzenlose Konnektivitätsmöglichkeiten und ein hohes Mass an Datensicherheit erreicht.
21 min video
Mobilresponsiv Design (Norwegian)
Du lager enkelt fullverdige, industrielle applikasjoner i HTML5 for overvåking og kontroll av prosesser på mobilenheten, PC-en og berøringspanelet. Enten de er for SCADA, HMI eller et annet formål, vil programmene du bygger i Perspektiv bli profesjonelle, og kunne brukes på enhver enhet og nettleser.
25 min video
Ignition Edge: Capacità di Trasformazione Digitale (Italian)
Grazie alla struttura aperta e distribuita della piattaforma Ignition e di Ignition Edge, è possibile creare architetture estese in grado di migliorare l'efficienza di interi sistemi. Ignition, grazie alla sua infinita scalabilità e alle potenzialità di Ignition Edge, permette di integrare tutti i dispositivi di campo e funge da piattaforma per la realizzazione di reti industriali ad alta efficienza. Le capacità architetturali e la modellazione dei dati attraverso l'utilizzo di DataOps, già a livello di dispositivi Edge, sono elementi che consentono la trasformazione digitale sfruttando appieno le potenzialità del Cloud, della moderna comunicazione e delle tecniche di elaborazione dati.
33 min video
Ignition Build-A-Thon: Vertech vs. Flexware
Travis, Kevin, and Kent are back for an all-new and evolved Build-a-Thon! This time, instead of keeping the glory all for themselves, Travis and Kevin will each be coaching a new competitor from two of the top integration companies in the Ignition community, Vertech and Flexware, to compete for the Build-a-Thon belt. Join us at this year’s jam-packed, live-streamed competition for bigger fun, bigger laughs, and bigger builds as the competitors build “next-gen” versions of an HMI and dashboard, using their own newly developed Ignition Exchange resource.
74 min video
Integrator Panel: Which New Technologies are Fads or the Future
During this panel discussion, you'll hear the leaders of some of the Ignition community's most successful integration companies discuss new technologies and innovations that are evolving the industry. Ideas and terms like IIoT and the cloud once seemed foreign but are now increasingly commonplace within the industrial sphere. What new trends and innovations will prove to be more than just buzzwords, but actual mainstays key to a company’s future success? How are automation professionals responding to these technologies? Hear our expert integrator panel answer these and other questions as they discuss what actually adds value within the industry and what's just hype in this fascinating panel discussion.
59 min video
3 Tips to Evolve Your Ignition System's Communication to PLCs
In this session, you'll get some great Ignition tips for communicating to PLCs. You'll learn about writing to separate tags to ensure data integrity and robust logic, leveraging direct OPC reads to obtain data synchronization, and using JSON-derived tags to reduce communication load with a PLC-hosted OPC UA server.
33 min video
Discover Manufacturing Bottlenecks with Sepasoft MES
Explore new possibilities to evolve your MES architecture quickly and more robustly than ever before. From controlling critical processes and procedures to tracking quality and performance, our new ISA-88 Batch and Procedure Module and other solutions empower manufacturers to identify and reduce manufacturing bottlenecks. Learn how Sepasoft MES solves major pain points, from small to enterprise-wide MES implementations.
59 min video
Supporting Worldwide Digital Transformation with Ignition in the Cloud
Ignition is capable of more than just SCADA; it can support digital transformation by offering the possibility to create parametric services in a secure, scalable, and cost-effective way. HTC uses Perspective, the WebDev Module, and REST APIs on a cloud platform to help their international customers complete their digital transformation journeys. In this session, HTC will illustrate the architecture they use and their customers' results by using a scalable, secure, mobile, geographically distributed system that enables services like Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. In addition, Ignition back-end and front-end architectures, gateway networks, high availability, Ignition Edge, and MQTT will be addressed in this session.
31 min video
Embracing the Cloud: How 4IR Solutions' Ignition-Powered Platform Accelerates Life Sciences and Manufacturing
Industrial organizations, particularly in regulated industries like Life Sciences, have historically been hesitant to store GxP data in the cloud. But with COVID-19 pushing many organizations into accelerating their digital transformation roadmaps, the cloud has become a differentiating, and in some cases essential, technology that allows manufacturers to stay competitive through cost savings while enabling new ways to drive value. With deep experience in the Life Sciences industry, 4IR Solutions has developed a new cloud-hosted platform powered by Ignition, designed to meet the unique regulatory and compliance challenges faced by Life Science manufacturers, including Data Integrity and 21 CFR Part 11. This session will provide an inside look at how this platform makes Ignition a Smarter, Faster, Stronger tool by putting security first while enhancing Ignition's core capabilities through integration with cloud-native technologies. Executives from 4IR Solutions will provide an overview and demonstration of the platform and discuss how system integrators and manufacturers alike can leverage their existing Ignition skills to deliver secure, compliant, and cloud-enhanced solutions on top of 4IR's managed platform.
19 min video
Real-World, Practical and Achievable Transformation Using Ignition and Ignition Edge
In this session, you'll learn how Streamline uses Ignition and Ignition Edge to enhance operational assets from the field to the boardroom, empowering organizations with the data they need to make important decisions in a meaningful way. Join Streamline Controls in exploring IoT/MQTT ecosystems by walking through examples and use cases of how they build solutions that can deploy to any operational asset to start consuming and leveraging OT data.
20 min video
ICC 2021 Developer Panel
What’s coming up for Ignition? What new features and fixes do the developers have planned for the next year? Join us for this year’s all-new, live-streamed Developer Panel featuring Inductive Automation’s VP of Technology, Colby Clegg, and Director of Software Engineering, Carl Gould, as they tackle your questions and give insight into what’s in store for the Ignition Platform.
61 min video
OMG APIs - How and Why You Should Integrate with Ignition Using APIs
In this session, you'll see various use cases that integrate Ignition with APIs to enrich applications and solve real-world problems such as alerting for location tracking, weather monitoring, integrating with a firewall — and something fun! You'll also learn through demonstrations about using authentication with API keys.
28 min video
Industry Panel: Enterprise Evolution - Successes and Challenges of Digital Transformation
Shifting away from manual data processes through digital transformation has proven to be critical for a company’s stability, security, and growth, but it’s also easier said than done. Join thought leaders and experts from various automation verticals as they discuss the challenges and benefits of digital transformation at the enterprise level, share their personal experiences, and answer your questions about digital transformation.
59 min video