Explore past sessions from the annual Ignition® Community Conference.
The 2021 Build-a-Thon was the first ever to feature members of the Ignition community battling it out head-to-head. This year, we invited all of Inductive Automation’s Premier Integrators to apply for a chance to wear the Build-a-Thon blazer, and after three rounds of challenges, the final two integrators, DMC and Roeslein & Associates, will face off at the conference.
61 min video
Running Ignition in a Container Environment
Leveraging Docker can be a powerful technology for rolling out large systems and setting up flexible development environments. In this session, you'll hear practical tips for running Ignition in a container environment from Inductive Automation's Docker expert.
45 min video
How Far We've Come - Ignition Across the Enterprise
Ignition was always great for solving problems and beloved by Operations. But could it scale? Could it be deployed across an enterprise? Could it stand up to scrutiny in the boardroom while execs are aligning on their digital strategy? Absolutely. Over the past several years, Brock Solutions has been deploying Ignition across enterprises, helping customers accelerate their digital transformations. But don't take it from Brock; hear it from our customers' mouths about how and why Ignition has become the real deal in their enterprise landscape.
42 min video
Performance Tips & Tricks for Optimizing Gateway Networks
Getting the most out of your Ignition gateway network is important to your system’s performance, especially for large implementations. In this session, you’ll get expert tips about how to optimize the performance of your gateway network for heavy workloads.
60 min video
Stone Brewing Successfully Implements Modern Batch System
In this session, Stone Brewing and Wunderlich-Malec Engineering will showcase the first successful implementation of Sepasoft’s Batch Procedure Module. Going into the project, Stone Brewing hoped to upgrade to a flexible and modern batch system that could handle complex recipes. With the support of Wunderlich-Malec, Stone Brewing easily configured the module to replicate existing processes. Attend this session to learn about Stone Brewing’s quick adoption of Batch Procedure and more project highlights.
47 min video
Ignition: The New Enterprise Connection Platform
The quest for greater productivity and reduced costs is driving market forces and investments into new projects trying to combat today’s challenges from the supply chain, labor, and inflation. Learn how Ignition has advanced from the “New SCADA Platform'' to become the standard tool for OT-to-IT Enterprise Digital Transformation. The session will discuss and demonstrate how Ignition with MQTT/Sparkplug is the “Swiss Army knife” Digital Transformation platform from the edge to the cloud to achieve these goals. Get your Enterprise ready to Xperience and Xplore the serendipitous nature of your OT data!
48 min video
Modern Cloud Deployment Strategies
With the systems getting larger and the need for flexibility increasing, effectively running Ignition in the cloud can be a powerful deployment strategy. In this session, Inductive Automation’s architecture experts will talk about how to utilize the cloud for modern deployment strategies.
48 min video
Drain The Data Lake - Model And Contextualize Your OT Data at the Edge
Join a panel of Ignition community experts who helped the State of Indiana launch a Digital Transformation program for manufacturers quickly and simply. Energy data, manufacturing output, and other OT data can be collected and modeled in-plant, and efficiently published into cloud infrastructure and unsupervised AI for actionable insights with a pre-built “I4.0 in a Box” solution.
48 min video
Integrator Panel: How Integration Has Changed & Where It's Going
This panel will bring together some of the Ignition community's most accomplished integrators to discuss how the industry has shifted over the past decade and what technologies and practices will be vital in the future. From IIoT-enabled hardware and cutting-edge security tools to eliminating paper from the plant floor, changes in the last 10 years have altered how integrators approach business and opened up new opportunities. But which areas still have room for refinement and innovation? Hear experienced professionals give their insight and answer your questions about the industry's past, present, and future.
45 min video
Unlocking Innovation & Delivering New Services Through Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation has accelerated as a result of the pandemic as nearly every industry and every company has had to adapt to changing work conditions, market conditions, and environmental conditions. Those companies that are thriving in this new normal have uncovered new value in leveraging technology to accelerate innovation cycles and deliver entirely new products, services, and even business models. Imagine fully recovering from this pandemic better off than before it started with entirely new revenue streams that fill the revenue gaps with even greater profitability through new channels. Learn how this can be done and hear the stories of companies who have succeeded.
45 min video
Industry Panel: Exploring Digital Transformation
It takes coordination to revamp processes or upgrade machinery, but it’s a far more complicated task to establish change all the way from the plant floor to the C-suite. While the necessary Digital Transformation of manual operations may look different across a variety of industries, the critical benefits of increased stability, flexibility, and security remain consistent. Hear from a panel of industry thought leaders and experts as they explore how enterprise-wide solutions have led their companies to a new level of growth and answer your questions about large-scale Digital Transformation.
64 min video
Technical Keynote & Developer Panel
This year, the co-creators of Ignition, Colby Clegg and Carl Gould will be expanding the traditional developer panel into a new format. In this new Technical Keynote, Colby and Carl will cover the recent progress of Ignition and look at the roadmap for the near future of the platform. They will also get some help from a few Software Engineering Division all-stars to give further insight into specific aspects of the platform like security, advanced analytics, and design tools.
65 min video
IA Department of Funk 2021 Music Video
ICC 2021's Halftime Show Premiered the The IA Department of Funk’s video for their original song “Champion,” which made the Build-a-Thon even more entertaining.
4 min video
Uso de Bibliotecas Javascript no Perspective com Web Dev Module
Aprenda a utilizar os recursos do módulo Perspective junto ao módulo Web Dev paraacessar bibliotecas externas e exibir conteúdos gráficos diversos (Mapas, Gráficos, etc) emsuas páginas do Perspective de forma dinâmica.
16 min video
Architetture Flessibili e Modulari per Progetti di Trasformazione Digitale Compiuti
Ignition è la piattaforma software che permette di implementare progetti di digitalizzazione industriale con architetture capaci di adattarsi alle diverse esigenze applicative. Durante il webinar, verranno illustrate le possibilità offerte dalla flessibilità e dall’apertura della piattaforma attualmente utilizzata con successo da oltre il 50% delle aziende Fortune 500. A differenza degli SCADA tradizionali, Ignition permette di realizzare progetti in ottica IIoT per il governo completo dei processi digitali in ambito produttivo.
46 min video
Education & Industry Panel: Preparing the Workforce of the Future
Often, the difference between what you need to know to walk across that stage and get your diploma, degree, certificate, or credential is vastly different from what you need to know to be successful in your first entry-level position. Curriculum and program development happen in vastly different ways, from four-year colleges and universities to technical colleges, to community/junior colleges. How we, as an industry, communicate to address what we are seeing in the field is imperative to providing the engineer of tomorrow with the appropriate skill sets to encourage success. That conversation starts with industry and academia coming together to discuss the topics important to the ever-changing landscape of industrial technology. Join David Grussenmeyer, University Engagement Manager at Inductive Automation, for a panel discussion composed of four faculty members from different educational institutions and learn how their efforts to collaborate with Industry are changing the educational landscape for our workforce of tomorrow.
42 min video
Deploying the Digital Foundations of a Modern, Connected Factory
Digital factory architectures usually grow organically as business requirements evolve and new technologies are developed. Modern technologies and approaches such as infrastructure-as-code, containerization, orchestration, and edge-driven operations solve many problems presented by legacy, organic, point-to-point based architectures. This presentation will give an overview of Factory+, a Sparkplug-powered, open-access digital factory framework developed by the AMRC, and how it can be used to rapidly and reliably deploy, manage and scale the digital foundations of a forward-thinking manufacturing facility.
25 min video
Dalle Patch 4.0 Alla Trasformazione Digitale Completa. Ignition, Catalizzatore di un’Offerta End-to-End
Ignition è la piattaforma abilitante che aiuta le aziende ad intraprendere un percorso che porta a una digitalizzazione completa e compiuta. Durante il webinar, mostreremo come sfruttare le opportunità normative per l’industria 4.0 e il PNRR per estendere anche alle PMI, e di conseguenza al “sistema Italia”,una vera Digital Transformation, che porti all’implementazione di progetti digitali compiuti e non parziali.
34 min video
Trucos en Perspective Que no Conocías
En esta sesión vamos a cubrir todas aquellas herramientas que están dentro del módulo Perspective que son nuevas en la integración de sistemas industriales para que puedas aprovecharlas para hacer ciclos de desarrollo más rápidos, una distribución mejor organizada en tus pantallas y aplicaciones de apariencia optimizada.
31 min video
Le Funzionalità di Ignition Edge: Raccolta ed Elaborazione Dati alla Fonte
La struttura aperta e distribuita della piattaforma Ignition e della sua versione Edge apre nuove frontiere e tendenze per la Data-Driven Automation. Grazie all’infinita scalabilità e alle potenzialità di Ignition Edge è possibile integrare tutti i dispositivi presenti nel factory floor, compresi quelli al margine della rete, estendendo così la raccolta, l’elaborazione e la visualizzazione a tutti i dati essenziali per un processo industriale efficiente. Nel corso del webinar verranno presentate le funzionalità di Ignition Edge e i vantaggi derivanti dalla disponibilità del set più completo di dati per poter dar vita a una trasformazione digitale compiuta.
30 min video
Desbloquee los Datos de su Planta
A veces, ya tenemos un Tag Historian en nuestro conjunto de herramientas, entonces, ¿por qué necesitarías SQL Bridge? O si ya tengo SQL Bridge, ¿por qué necesito Tag Historian? Le enseñaremos cómo se pueden combinar SQL Bridge y Tag Historian para hacer un mejor uso de las bases de datos y los datos históricos de su planta.
29 min video
Sikker innlogging til Ignition med BankID og Vipps
Slik sikrer du innlogging i Ignition ved å bruke moderne elektronisk identifikasjon for sikker identifikasjon.
11 min video
Dynamisk brukergrensesnitt i Ignition Perspective
Bli med på denne demoen for å se hvordan du kan endre informasjon i integrerte vinduer i Ignition’s Perspective modul, basert på hva som er valgt i hovedvinduet. På denne måten kan du enkelt vise informasjon for et objekt sine trender, alarmer og parametere, uten bruk av pop-up vinduer. Vi utforsker de ulike metodene og ser på det resulterende brukergrensesnittet sammen.
27 min video
Reverse Proxy mit automatischer SSL/TLS Verschlüsselung auf Docker
Erstellen einer Ignition Instanz als Container in einer Docker Umgebung mit geschütztem Zugang über einen Reverse Proxy (Traefik) welcher alle Zertifikate (Let’s Encript) automatisch erstellt.
8 min video